Friday, September 29, 2006

When Your Sister gets Married !!

Yesterday was my sister’s marriage,
With all the blessings from the heaven,
With all the graces of the elders,
And with all the wonders of nature...!

It was raining all along the day,
And it was tears all through her cheeks.
The happy smiles of siblings glittered
Through the rain to the flashes...!!

Home, the place where she heard the lullaby of love,
The cradle where we played and lived together for years…!
It was in a festive mood and was decorated in each inch,
With flowers, smiles and camera flashes..!!

She wept when we left her at his home,
She stood drenching herself in tears,
Though they were known each other for so long.
Though they loved each other since long back..!!

Moments, where joy and grief make a mix,
Times where smiles and tears come together..!
A treasure of feeling to the dears and nears
And the epitome of pleasure for the weds...!!

Tears find it’s way again through her cheeks
Standing near to a flowering tree,
Her eyes followed us till the vehicle turns away,
And the road looks long and as complex as life..!!

Back at home, we again start to live,
The siblings are away and the home is alone with us.
And now we miss her in every inch of life,
As we see the stranded home and courtyard..!!

How fast the time reinstates disorders to order,
And how quickly a home without her settled in minds..!!
But the home and the flowering plants still wait,
To see her smile and to feel her love!!!

Perhaps they too might be knowing,
That she is blessed with a marriage of her choice,
And she would be in full smiles ,
When she comes to meet us...!!!

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